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I’M CHRISTINE TYLEE, creator of the Glitter Philosophy.

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Christine Tylee entrepreneur

About Christine Tylee

I’m an entrepreneur, an Executive Leader with Urban Retreat, a former teacher, a best-selling author, a world karate champion, a certified positivity coach, and a mum of three.

I am a woman of action, and I love empowering others to shine. I created the glitter philosophy to inspire you to unlock your potential and achieve your dreams. 

Meet My Amazing Kids: Emily, Sophie, and Andy Berude

Emily, Sophie and Andy, aged 17, 13, and 11, already know the secret to making their dreams a reality. From a young age, they’ve been creating their own vision boards!

Emily, Sophie, and Andy all know how to harness a positive mindset, and of course, being a highly driven person, I’ve instilled in them the mastery of fear so they can strive for everything they want out of life. 

You can read about my kids’ achievements in more detail, just scroll down to the blog section.

Christine Tylee Sophie Berude

Everything you want is on the other side of fear

I built not only a successful business but a fulfilling and balanced life. During my journey I have learned how to build a sustainable lifestyle and find the gift in adversity, thanks to the glitter philosophy. I supported Sophie, our then 6-year-old daughter throughout her battle with Leukemia. I experienced a series of strokes and lost the ability to walk and talk. But emerging from the darkness, I welcomed a different kind of success, realizing my potential as National Karate Champion, and now a World Champion! 

Christine Tylee’s Secret to Success 

Success isn’t about following a “guaranteed formula” or working yourself to exhaustion. If it were, we’d all be rich!

I learned that drawing success to me rather than chasing it at all costs was a much easier and more satisfying achievement!

Through building a $20 million direct sales business, my academic background, and my passion for continuous learning, I overcame my fear by developing a mindset that laid a strong foundation for success. And it can work for you, too.

I call it the ‘glitter philosophy’ … we could all do with adding some sparkle to our lives!

Christine Tylee
Christine Tylee Positive Psychology

The Glitter Philosophy

I became interested in the field of positive psychology and the science of success when Sophie was fighting leukemia. I’ve since studied professional development courses through Harvard and Yale on the science of well-being and success and realized that the more I worked on my positivity, gratitude, and attitude, the faster my life improved! My business boomed, my health improved and my sporting success was incredible!
I’ve learned the importance of training your brain and creating new and positive habits for all aspects of your life. It’s easy to add some sparkle to your life when you know how!


Inspiration for Direct Sellers

Christine Tylee has built a hugely successful Direct Sales business thanks to her glitter philosophy. Click here to visit her blog designed to inspire and support Direct Sellers around the globe.

Christine Tylee Direct Sales


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