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Glitter Philosophy
Christine Tylee believes that life is full of hidden sparkles, waiting to be discovered—even in the most unexpected places. Her Glitter Philosophy is more than just a mindset; it’s a way of life.
Christine Tylee created the Glitter Philosophy after triumphing over significant adversities in her life and business but has also mastered the art of finding brightness in the bleakest moments. This section of our website celebrates her journey and the luminous wisdom she has to share.
Dive into the Glitter Philosophy and discover how you, too, can find sparkles in the mud. Through Christine’s insights, inspirational stories, and practical advice, learn how to look at life through a shimmering lens of positivity and resilience.
Join us as we explore the sparkle in everyday life, transforming ordinary moments into extraordinary ones. Let’s sparkle together!
Mindset Mastery: Positivity to Fuel Your Goals
I’ve always been positive, but I can stay that way most of the time because I keep my positivity “topped up.” I love the saying, “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” It’s just as accurate that you can’t grow your business if your cup is empty!
During my studies, I came across positive psychologist Shawn Achor, the author of The Happiness Advantage. He has found that a positively primed brain helps you be 31% more productive, 37% better at sales, and 40% more likely to achieve a promotion!
Do you know what that means? It means that keeping your positivity topped up = working on your success.


I have completed certifications in positive psychology from Yale University.

After using this life-changing app, I became a certified Positive Prime coach to give others the gift of this incredibly powerful Neuroscience and Positive Psychology technology, enhancing your mental capabilities by rewiring your brain into a more productive state.

As a certified FocusCalm coach, I train you to use revolutionary technology to train your brain to slow down through guided meditations and games focused on training your brain to relax, it provides an easily accessible and portable way to take a few moments to yourself.
Confidence Try this to change your mindset within minutes!
Confidence isn’t a thing that you either have or haven’t. You may feel confident in particular areas of your life but not in others. But sometimes, you need confidence on the spot. It would be super handy to “switch on” the confidence.
One quick trick you can do right now is to change your posture. There’s a feedback loop between your brain and your body. How you feel affects how you hold your body.
For example, someone who is sad holds their body differently from a person who is confident and happy. But it also works the other way around: how you hold your body affects how you feel.
One shortcut I use is to imagine I’m wearing a superhero cape. For some reason, that works really well in helping me to feel more confident immediately. I’ve noticed that my posture changes to match my mental superhero image. After all, a superhero doesn’t slouch!
A similar strategy you can use to boost feelings of confidence is to use what’s known as a “power pose.” One well-known power pose is “The Wonder Woman” pose. You should stand with your feet apart, your hands on your hips, and your chin tilted upward. Adopting that pose for 2 minutes will actually change the chemicals in your body!
Glitter Philosophy Blog
Keep reading to keep your positivity topped up!