Paying it Forward: Our Christmas Miracle

How our family pays it forward

After Sophie’s cancer diagnosis in 2016, our whole world turned upside down. But in those dark moments, we found a bright light: the gift of paying it forward.

As Sophie battled cancer, we received much kindness and support from the John Hunter Hospital in Newcastle. Through our pain, we learned the impact a cancer diagnosis has on a family.

Sophie had this awareness, too, and has passionately been spreading joy and happiness to other children.

Sharing joy in the hospital ward
Sharing joy in the hospital ward
Sophie's 6 month check-up and gift giving!
Sophie’s 6 month check-up and gift giving!

Early in her treatment, she enjoyed being Santa for the nurses, doctors, patients, and family members.

When Sophie received the ‘All-Clear’ for her 6-month check-up, it was time to celebrate!

We took a big pile of gift packs to donate to the hospital to mark the occasion.

The odds of remaining cancer free are much better after the 6-month mark, so we were joyed to cross this significant milestone.

Since then, we’ve never stopped gathering donations for children in the hospital. In addition, we’ve helped spread joy with over $25,000 worth of beautiful gift packs from The Body Shop.


The staff is always so grateful for our donations which come in handy for many reasons. They also love giving a pack to parents of newly diagnosed cancer patients, who, as we did, mostly turn up in an emergency with absolutely nothing with them, many of whom are far from home. We’ve been there, so it means a lot to us to brighten someone’s dreadful day.

We love our annual Toy Drive and greatly appreciate our fantastic friends and team members who drop off the gifts!

One year, we were on a mission to ensure that every single child in the hospital over Christmas received a gift. Generous donors helped our mission by dropping off gifts at our home or depositing cash donations.

We used the financial donations to top up with gifts in the category most in need!

So many donations and smiles from sick children at Christmas are priceless.

paying it forward

The hospital is always delighted with gift packs from The Body Shop. Tragically the mental health ward is bursting at the seams, full of young teens.

Each year, my Christmas wish is that these gifts create joy and remind the children and their families that there is so much kindness in the world and that strangers care and are thinking about them.

I regularly donate beautiful gift packs from The Body Shop. Each one makes a massive difference. The hospital staff use them to brighten the day for the family of a new diagnosis, cheer up teenage girls who have lost their hair, gifts for mums who are having a rough day, and even birthday presents for children or mums who have to spend their special day on the oncology ward.

It means a lot for us to be able to repay the kindness of strangers. The gift given to Sophie on Christmas Day 2016 sparked a remarkable recovery at a very, very scary time. It was our Christmas miracle.

It’s amazing what some passion, love, and determination can achieve.

That’s a lot of joy and cheer. We’re spreading massive thanks to everyone who helped us make this happen since we began this journey of paying it forward.

Thank you to everyone who helps us spread the joy
Thank you to everyone who helps us spread the joy