Small But Mighty at the Karate National Championships

Small But Mighty at the Karate National Championships


There’s a photo from the AKF Karate National Championships in Perth, WA, that I absolutely love. As someone who placed third in the veterans kata, it’s a moment I cherish. But the smile? That’s the crowning glory. It tells the entire story of hard work, dedication, and the joy of achieving something momentous.

Christine Tylee Karate Nationals

My triumphs aside, I can’t help but brim when it comes to the achievements of Andy and Sophie. Andy has secured a position among the top 10 in Australia for Kata and Kumite in the under-12s category. On the other hand, Sophie has showcased her prowess in Kata by making it to the top 10 in the under-14s category. Considering the level of competition and the tough divisions they faced, these are remarkable achievements.


Kata refers to traditional martial arts routines for those not well-versed in the terminology, while Kumite is used for fighting or sparring. As it stands now, both Andy and Sophie are brimming with inspiration and have their sights set on breaking into the top 5 next year.


In a turn of events, Sophie was called upon to represent NSW in a team kumite event. Although it was a bit unexpected, seeing Sophie represent the state in a fighting capacity was a sight to behold. If you wonder if this is a new path for her, think again! She’s set on sticking to Kata. Nevertheless, representing the state gives you this unexplainable feeling of unity and camaraderie, and Sophie was lucky to experience that firsthand.

Andy Berude Karate Nationals
Sophie Berude Karate Nationals

On a lighter note, our trip to WA wasn’t solely about karate. A personal highlight was visiting Rottnest Island, where I finally met the quokkas, often dubbed the happiest animals on the planet. Their cheerful demeanor is infectious, and they’re just so cute! Sophie even captured a delightful quokka selfie, where she and the quokka seem to be smiling in unison.


The family adventures we embarked on made our time in Perth even more memorable. It’s true that if not for karate, this trip might not have happened. But I’m incredibly glad we decided to extend our stay, explore the surroundings, and bask in the joy of family fun.


The Karate National Championships wasn’t just an event. For us, it was a journey. A journey filled with achievements, surprises, and countless memories.
