Sophie Berude’s Cancer Recovery


Sophie Berude Beat Childhood Cancer


Six years ago, Sophie Berude was in for a long fight. The then 6-year-old endured two years and three months of treatment. 

A recurring ear infection led to the shock diagnosis. 

Her mother, Christine Tylee, recalls how her world turned upside down. Christine recounts the moment she and her husband, Paul heard the words, “your little girl has Acute Leukemia.”

In the following days, Sophie underwent two surgeries and two blood transfusions to increase her platelet count. She began aggressive chemotherapy treatment the next day. While the chemotherapy was her best chance of treating cancer, she experienced a toxic build-up and almost lost her battle on Christmas Day.


Six years on, now aged 12, Sophie is happy and healthy. Her ordeal was the turning point for her whole family, who are all passionate about health and wellness.

A significant factor in Sophie’s recovery has been quality sleep, allowing her immune system to strengthen after cancer and chemotherapy treatments.

Sophie is glowing with health, and in only 13 months, she will officially be classified as cured, which means her chance of relapse will drop only 15-20 percent, and that figure won’t change for the rest of her life.

As Christine Tylee lives and breathes the importance of having a positive mindset, she chooses never to dwell on the 20 percent chance of relapse; instead, she focuses on the 80 percent chance that Sophie will remain healthy. 

Christine says she is passionate about doing everything in her power to keep Sophie healthy. 

“She is fit, active, catching up at school, following her dreams, eating well, and sleeping well. We are consciously limiting the chemicals in our house and purifying the air. We will always do everything in our power to give her the best chance of keeping the odds in her favor.”

Sophie Berude beat childhood cancer
Sophie Berude Wonder Woman Pose