Sophie and Andy’s Big Weekend of Sport and Trophy Hunting!

Sophie and Andy’s Big Weekend of Sport and Trophy Hunting!

Our family loves to keep active. It’s a big part of our lifestyle and a focal point for striving for our goals. As a mum, it keeps me busy, driving them around and cheering them on at their championships and tournaments. But unfortunately, sometimes I can only be in one place at a time! 
October 16 marked a busy day for our family. While Andy was competing in gymnastics in the Hunter region, Sophie had a wonderful day in Sydney competing in karate.
At the 25th-anniversary tournament, there was plenty of tough competition. Sophie won her kata division, performing her best kata ever! Thanks to technology, I could watch a recording when I got home. She also placed 3rd in weapons!
It was a proud moment watching Sophie step into her power and perform a sport that requires so much discipline, technique, and rhythm. 
Sophie works so hard, so it’s lovely to see her shining brightly. 
Like me, Andy would have loved to be in two places at once, but he was delighted for his sister. 
Sophie berude kata karate trophies
Andy Berude Gymnastics championship trophy

While Sophie was busy earning some pretty shiny trophies, Andy was competing at the Hunter Region Men’s Gymnastics Championships and placed 2nd all-around!

He was thrilled with his best-ever scores on four out of the six apparatus, including an incredible 9.7 on the vault!

It was an excellent warm-up for the State Championships coming up!  

I had my eldest daughter, Emily, cheer him on; she happens to be a Gymnastics Coach! It was so helpful having her commentary in the stands. You would think after watching her compete for eight years, I would know what to look for, but no, I still have yet to learn.

Emily taught me heaps! Now, if we could only get Andy to listen to her advice at home!