Sophie Berude shares her passion for positivity


Sophie Berude Shares her Passion for Positivity

Sophie’s inspirational presentation

Last month Sophie Berude was invited to present as a Youth Speaker at the Global Health, Wealth & Wisdom Virtual Summit. Sophie was one of 5 youth speakers, presenting alongside 60 global health, wealth, and parenting experts.

Sophie delivered her message with confidence and passion. She inspires many, and this is only the beginning of many public speaking engagements.

Sophie is passionate about sharing her cancer journey. From beating Leukemia at age 6 to gaining her strength and vitality to become a Brown Belt in Karate!

A big part of Sophie’s recovery is a result of her mindset. During her hospital ordeal, the now 12-year-old kept a ‘glitter journal.’ She and her mother, Christine Tylee, would find the magic in every day and write them down! Journaling became a daily routine, giving Sophie gratitude and hope for a healthier future.

Sophie helps others find the magic in every day! 

Presenting at the summit, Sophie shared her story of resilience and courage and the gift of using her glitter journal in the hope of inspiring others to find the positive in every challenge.

Everyone in the audience has since been invited to download a free copy of Sophie’s 7-Day Glitter Journal so they, too, can find the magic in their week!

Want your copy of the Glitter Journal? Click here:

Sophie Berude Positivity