Coastrek for a Cause

Coastrek for a Cause

Eight women.


Completed it in under 8 hours.

It started with a bit of luxury and ended with frizzy hair and the biggest smiles.

I was excited. After all, I was doing this for the National Heart Foundation. In 2018, my near-death experience was related to cardiovascular issues, so it’s a cause close to my heart.

I’m lucky to be here, but most people don’t live to know they have this condition. It’s usually only picked up post-mortem.

More funds and awareness are needed, so I passionately support the work of this organization.

Christine Tylee Coastrek

5km in, I was a bundle of energy. Spotting a sign which read ‘I don’t sweat, I sparkle’ strengthened my enthusiasm. I was jumping for joy.

The first 10km saw us trekking through sand, and boy, it was tough. Reaching the ’20km to go’ sign had us sighing in relief and hoping for a slightly smoother path onward.

Coastrek 30km walk
walking for a cause

And finally, we made it to the finish line. What a walk. Set across a beautiful backdrop of Sydney. At times it was challenging but rewarding. 

Our team of eight raised $2000 for the Heart Foundation.

Thank you to all our supporters!